The North American Numbering Plan (NANP) is a telephone numbering plan that encompasses twenty-five distinct regions in twenty countries primarily in North America, including the Caribbean. Learn more

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* Don't forget to claim your one-time initial 1,000 credits when you register. A small activation fee is required. After that, we'll top up your account with up to 1,000 free credits at the start of each month.

Enter any U.S. or International Phone Number

Use the Global Phone Check Tool to find information relating to any U.S. or international phone number. The results will include the city, county, state, caller ID, geo-coordinates and more relating to the phone number.

  • Select 'Automatic' from the drop-down list.
  • Or Select a country from the drop-down list.
  • Or add the “+” prefix to indicate the phone number includes a country code (i.e. +19498583000).
  • Developers Guide to Global Phone.