Comma delimited Text (CSV)
CustID, Name, Address, City, State, ZIP
A1003, Irvine City, 1 Civic Center Plz, Irvine, CA, 92606
A1005, City Of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin , CA, 92780

Tab delimited Text (Copy from Excel)
CustID Name Address City State ZIP
R201 Irvine City 1 Civic Center Plz Irvine CA 92606
R213 City Of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin CA 92780

5 Credits per Row

Batch Property Information is available only to Melissa Customers.

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* 1,000 Free Credits when you Register
and then every month we’ll “top off” your account with up to 1,000 free credits.

Enter Address List in Text Box

Use the Batch Property Information tool to access U.S. property information such as owner's name and assessed value in bulk. Verify up to 500 addresses at a time.

  • Copy contact records (name and address) and Paste into text box.
  • First row can have column names (a header row).
  • Columns must be delimited by Comma(,) or Tab or Pipe(|).
  • Max column count is 10.
  • Charge is 5 credits per row.
  • Auto Process automatically parses and checks addresses without manual mapping of column types. Output to HTML or Excel
  • Preview & Map Columns parses addresses and previews the columns header mapped. Output to HTML, Excel or Text. It shows more accurate check results than Auto Process.
  • Developers Guide to Property Web Service
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