Global Lookups Home
Verify, Check & Correct addresses worldwide.
Verify an email address and get associated name & mailing address.
Find city, state and country of an IP address worldwide.
Search for global addresses by house number, street name, city or postal code.
Verify Global Phone numbers worldwide.
Validate the identity of any individual with limited input data.
Get complete address information for every MAK & BaseMAK number.
Postcode boundaries overlaid on a map of the country with cities and roads.
Verifies up to 500 global addresses in a batch from a spreadsheet or text file. Supports all 240 countries.
Verify a list of up to 500 phone numbers at a time. Copy & paste from a spreadsheet.
Verify a list of up to 500 emails at a time. Copy & paste from a spreadsheet.
Verify a list of up to 500 IP Addresses at a time. Copy & paste from a spreadsheet.
Parse full names into first, middle and last. Process up to 500 rows at a time.
Process bulk lists of up to 1 million records. Verify Names, Addresses, Phones, Emails, Properties, NCOA and Businesses.
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